Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Busy Monday!

Rain continues to plague our project in the form of very heavy downpours. One storm after another works its way up from the south and drenches everything. But despite the bad weather Joe was able to make some nice progress yesterday with the help of Mario.

They were both on site for close to 12 hours, determined to get the rafters in place. I came home from work around 6:30 and was surprised to see them still there and even more surprised to see how far they'd gotten. I quickly got out my video camera to chronicle a little of the action.

Joe had me come up on the roof so he could more easily explain to me how he was going to tie the project into the existing roof. I did my best to keep up but once he began talking about a reverse cricket I was lost. There's so much that goes into this aspect of the project and it's a part that fascinates me. Joe talked about water management and how it's important to make sure that any rainwater coming off the roof is diverted away correctly so it doesn't pose a problem elsewhere. He also talked about snow accumulations and how that must also be considered. We're working with a south exposure so that will be to our advantage.

It's one thing to view the project on paper but entirely different to stand inside the structure and get a feel for the actual dimensions. We're excited to see how it unfolds with each passing day.

They worked well after sunset trying to get the structure draped with tarps to protect the sub-floor from more approaching storms, finishing just as the rains began.

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